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[E] Sintetico
[E] Sintetico
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over 4 years ago
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over 4 years ago
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Also, i would like to add one more thing. If you are leaning forwards to not lifting up my ban because of my past ban for xraying i want to give a word on that. I take full responsibility for my past ban and i did it out of furry because i was killed while afking at the enderman farm and lost all of my stuff that i worked so so hard for. Later i learned that i shouldn't go afk there but it was to late. I did my time for the ban without complaining and i would never do such a thing again, i was just furious and i regret that. But what happened today is a complete joke. I have no reason to cheat, because i have maxed out gear with a sweet base that i want to keep working on. There was just a lucky man who was chilling on the server grinding. And to add, its not just about the ban i can wait out, its about principals and a wrong decision that was made by the mod. I dont want to do the time if i didnt do the crime. Hope you have understaing for my case and im looking forword for my ban to be removed. Thanks in advance. Sincerely, Sintetico
over 4 years ago
============= Username: Sintetico When you were banned : 3.2.2021. Person who banned you: Mod, it doesn;t say who Reason you were banned: Xraying, which i did not do. Today i was grinding for diamonds for about 2 hours. I was strit mining at level 11, I even asked in the chat whats the best level to do so. I have a efficiency 5 diamond pickaxe so i was going pretty fast so i covered a lot of space. I ran in to caves and when the cave ends I proceed to strit mine again. I gathered about 80 diamonds thanks to my Fortune 3 pick. And then i got banned for 7 days for xraying. I logged in to another account and i asked why i got banned. The mod responded that it was to good to be true and then banned my second account for ban dodging. I am hoping that you will understand my situation and uplift my band because i want to continue to play on this server with a very nice community. My final words is that i was lucky. That's it. Thank you in advance and i hope for the best. Sincerely, Sintetico =============
over 4 years ago